argentia SILK fibers 100gram red magenta etc

100 gram type bombyx mori natural floss silk bright colors loose fibers

argentia SILK fibers  100gram  red magenta etc
argentia SILK fibers  100gram  red magenta etc
argentia SILK fibers  100gram  red magenta etc
argentia SILK fibers  100gram  red magenta etc
5.00 *Prices include VAT *Prices include VAT
Article code4831 arg vezel red
Argentia silk fibers
in silk production of dereeling twisting cordonneting etc you have quite a bit of
misfortune    this because of the way silk can MISBEHAVE on machines
so we keep all our gone wild prodction separate to partialy reuse in filling of other yarns
or as technical support in special spinning conastuctions were we add a bit of silk
for betering the spinning proces
sometimes we keep them like this for selling in bags...
this is spuer good silk
it are loos fibers
lenght form 2cm up to 12cm
so you can NOT weave or knit or crochet with them directly
well you coudl but youo will end up in a crazy person instituet  better know as a psychiatric ward...

so it is for spinning carding needle punching an all other fiber art techniques.....
it is high glossy silk very bright